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Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste

The Sanitation Utility provides for the collection of garbage refuse and recycling through contracted services. The Village also operates a licensed Yard Waste Compost Site that village residents can deposit brush and yard waste.

The Village is proactive in advocating the appropriate disposal of hazardous household chemicals, prescription medications, pollutants, yard waste, and standard household waste, because of the negative impacts they can have on personal health, the local environment, and on the Village’s infrastructure.

It is imperative that the community understands the risks associated with the improper disposal of these substances so we can all work together to maintain and improve our beautiful neighborhoods. To serve that purpose, we have a few basic guidelines and programs that are meant to serve you and your garbage and recycling needs.

The Tri-County Recycling & Solid Waste partnership handles recycled items and refuse waste for Brown, Outagamie, and Winnebago counties.  For more information visit Tri County website


dfdDownload the Tri-County Recycling Guide for a list of acceptable recycling items. 

In Wisconsin, you cannot dispose of recyclable or compostable items in the trash. The state's recycling law prohibits landfilling or incinerating these materials to conserve valuable resources. The following flyers outline the items that are banned from landfills and incinerators statewide; these items should be reused, recycled, or composted:

If you want to read more about recycling in Wisconsin, download the flyers below:

Compost Site (Yard Waste)

The Village operates a licensed compost site where permitted residents can deposit accepted materials, including grass clippings, garden waste, leaves, brush, sod, and small stumps. Residents can also take compost and mulch for free. This site is exclusively for permitted village residents and contractors. It is open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and is located at 3891 Eaton Rd, Bellevue, WI.

To use the compost site, residents and contractors need to fill out & submit a permit application.

In addition, the Village offers seasonal 
curbside brush pick-up twice a year, along with Christmas tree pick-up.

Please do not dispose of yard waste in storm drains or local waterways. Yard waste can clog stormwater management systems and hinder effective stormwater removal. Furthermore, when organic yard waste enters local waterways, it provides a food source for algae blooms. These blooms can limit the recreational use of the body of water and negatively affect fish and wildlife populations.

Auto Maintenance

Washing your car: Every local commercial carwash sends its refuse to the water treatment plant, so using one of these would ideally be the best option. (Not to mention it supports local businesses!) However, if you wish to wash your car at home, please do so on your lawn or a gravel driveway, and use biodegradable soap. This keeps the water and particulate pollutants (grease, oil, grime, sand, etc.) from entering our storm water management system and local waterways. 

Oil Changes: Motor oil should not be disposed of in the sanitary sewer, storm water drains, or by dumping at an unauthorized site. Motor oil is insoluble in water and has a negative impact on local fish and wildlife and vegetation. Motor oil can be disposed of at behind the Public Works garage at 2828 Allouez Avenue. If that location is not convenient for you, perhaps some of these locations might be more suitable.

*One quart of oil can contaminate up to 250,000 gallons of water.

Used Oil Filters, Absorbent Pads, and Oil Rags: Starting in 2011, Wisconsin State Law began prohibiting the disposal of used oil filters and oil absorbent pads and rags in landfills. In 2012, the law was amended to allow oil absorbent pads and rags, provided they do not contain free flowing oil, and the other absorbents are not hazardous. Recycling options are available in the area. Many places that perform oil changes will recycle used filters for free, or some will issue a small fee. Known businesses that accept used oil filters include:

-The De Pere Walmart

-Sam's Club

-Halron Lubricants Inc.

More about Acts 86 and 152

Questions to ask any potential oil filter recycling vendor

Additional information about auto maintenance

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications should not be disposed of in the garbage or by being flushed down any sanitary or storm water sewer. Some of these controlled substances do not break down naturally, and the presence of these drugs has been found to be increasing in surface waters and in drinking water. Exposure to these substances in drinking water, even in low doses, could have negative long-term health effects.

The Brown County Sheriff's Office accepts your old prescription medications Monday - Friday from 8am - 4pm. Their office is located at 2684 Development Drive in Bellevue. The Sheriff's Department will also sponsor drop off sites throughout the year during elections. Please check our website to see if a special dropoff is being conducted before bringing prescriptions to an election.

Household & Hazardous Waste Recycling

Household & hazardous waste recycling is handled through Brown County recycling programs.

Hazardous waste materials may include:

  • Household Cleaners
  • Lawn and Garden Products
  • Automotive Fluids
  • Paints and Paint Related Products

Click here for a detailed list.

Click here for more information on recycling in Brown County.