Returning groups have first priority for field usage and must reserve by the end of February each calendar year. Athletic facility reservations are then accepted on a first come, first serve basis beginning March 1st of each calendar year.
Any person or group wishing to request to reserve a Village facility must submit a completed Rental Permit Form with appropriate fee and deposit to the Village Office (2828 Allouez Avenue, 54311) specifying the facilities to be used and the date(s).
The Village reserves the right to deny any request if the proposed use of the facility would interfere with the maintenance of the facility, Village operations, or if the proposed use is in violation of any local, State or Federal laws.

The Village may also deny requests from persons or groups who have previously used Village facilities and have either damaged Village property or engaged in disruptive behavior.
PL-701 - Athletic Facility Reservation Permit.pdf
For questions on field usage or availability contact our recreation supervisor at (920) 593-5516.