Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park
What is the Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park?
A place where our best friends have a place to run, roll around in mud, meet new four-legged friends, and catch a ball or a Frisbee.
A group of dedicated volunteer citizens worked tirelessly to create and operate a community dog park in the Village of Bellevue. Fundraising has been on-going since 2011 for the project and the park opened to rave reviews in June 2017. Through a very generous donation from Laura and Peter Mossakowski, the Bellevue Dog Park has been named in their honor.
A non-profit charity has been created to raise funds for the initial park development, further build-out of facilities and amenities and maintenance. Visit the Bellevue Dog Park webpage for the latest details and how to donate. Donations will be needed for many years, even after the park is initially opened to complete implementation of the full master park plan.
Where is the Dog Park?
The dog park is located at 2282 Bellevue Street. This 22.5-acre park site is located just south of State HWY 172 along the banks of the East River. An approximate 6.5-acre section of the property has been developed as a dog park. The Village owns this property and has approved its use as a dog park for our community.

Annual passes are good from January 1 through December 31. $30 for one dog per household and $60 for two or more dogs in a household. Day passes are $3/dog per day.
Dog Park Etiquette (What are the rules and expectations when going to the dog park?)
Please observe the following rules (these rules are posted at the Dog Park):
Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Permit required to use this facility. Purchase daily permit at pay station or annual permit online at: www.villageofbellevue.com or www.bellevuedogpark.com
Dogs must be 4 months or older, properly vaccinated, licensed and healthy.
Must have proof of rabies vaccine, dog license and park permit.
Female dogs in heat are not permitted in the dog park.
Users of this facility do so at their own risk.
Owners are liable for injury or damage caused by or to their dog(s).
Keep dogs on 6’ leashes at all times except in designated “off-leash” areas.
Dog handlers must remove any pinch, prong or spike collars upon entering.
Dog handlers must clean up and properly dispose of dog waste IMMEDIATELY.
Dogs must be under voice control at all times.
Dog handlers must remain in off leash area with dog.
Dog handlers must be 18 years of age or older.
No more than 2 dogs per handler.
Children must be under strict adult supervision.
Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the park.
Professional dog trainers shall not use the park to conduct their business.
No dog food, treats or human food allowed in the off-leash areas.
Smoking, vaping & any/all tobacco products are prohibited in all Village parks.
Failure to comply with posted rules can result in citation or loss of privilege to use this park.
The Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park is a community funded park.
Your daily or annual permit helps pay for the maintenance of the park.
Please do your part to keep this valuable resource in good order for all to enjoy!
Brown County Sheriff non-emergency: (920) 391-7450
For emergencies or to report a crime please dial "911"
How Can I Support The Bellevue Dog Park?
Donate Today!
To make a donation, make checks payable and mail to:
Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park, LTD
2555 Continental Court, Suite 4
Bellevue, WI 54311
A Go Fund Me site has also been set-up to support the park.
Donors interested in making contributions under $250 may also make a donation online via our Village secure payment site. Click the button below to make a donation online!
Donate Online!
Contribution Levels
Contribution Level |
Contribution Amount |
Recognition |
Named Sponsor |
$15,000 (Three Opportunities: Pavilion, Playground & Trail) |
- Named Park Feature
- Listed as Platinum Sponsor on donor signage at park
- Listed as Named & Platinum Sponsor on dog park webpage
- Special Recognition at groundbreaking & ribbon cutting
Platinum Sponsor |
$10,000+ |
- Listed as Platinum Sponsor on donor signage at park
- Listed as Platinum Sponsor on dog park webpage
- Special Recognition at groundbreaking & ribbon cutting
Gold Sponsor |
$5,000 to $9,999 |
- Listed as Gold Sponsor on donor signage at park
- Listed as Gold Sponsor on dog park webpage
Silver Sponsor |
$1,000 to $4,999 |
- Listed as Silver Sponsor on donor signage at park
- Listed as Silver Sponsor on dog park webpage
Bronze Sponsor |
$250 to $999 |
- Listed as Bronze Sponsor on donor signage at park
- Listed as Bronze Sponsor on dog park webpage
Partner Sponsor |
$100 to $249 |
- Listed as Partner Sponsor on dog park webpage
Contributor |
Contribution Amount |
- Listed as Contributor on dog park webpage
Special Fundraisers
The Bellevue Dog Park Committee organizes several community fundraisers. If you'd like to assist the committee in organizing and helping conduct events, please contact the Village Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department at (920) 468-5225.
K9 Karnival - Dog Park Fundraiser
Dog Park Committee
You can also become involved at the committee level participating in meetings and planning efforts. The Dog Park Committee is run through the Laura & Peter Mossakowski Dog Park non-profit organization and typically meets monthly. Information on past meetings and the next meeting is available on their website.