The Village is committed to maintaining an efficient sanitary sewer system by using proper equipment and well trained employees to provide efficient operation of the sewer system.
The Sanitary Sewer Utility is responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement and operating services for the Village’s sanitary sewer system. The Village ensures that the 70.57 miles of mains and 1,295 manholes remain clear of obstructions and pipe integrity is maintained through the following:
- Monitoring inflow/infiltration into the sewer system
Inflow: Storm water that enters the sanitary sewer system through connections including roof downspouts, driveway drains, sump pumps, and cross connections with storm drains. *This storm water management practice is against Bellevue Ordinance 368-28.

Infilitration: Groundwater that enters the sanitary sewer system through holes, breaks, joint failures, connection failures, and other failures.
Infiltration Video (This video shows groundwater entering the sanitary sewer around the lateral pipe.)
Bellevue Ordinance 362-11 VILLAGE RESPONSBILITY. It is expressly stipulated that no claim shall be made against the District or its officers or duly authorized representatives by reason of the breaking, clogging, stoppage, or freezing of any service pipe; nor from any damage arising from repairing mains, making connections or extensions or any other work that may be deemed necessary. The right is hereby reserved to cut off the service at any time for the purpose of repairs or any other necessary purpose, any permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. Whenever it shall become necessary to shut off the water service within any area of the District, the District shall, if practicable, give notice to each and every consumer within said District, of the time when such service will be so shut off.
*To help us prevent blockages, please do not flush or pour down the drain: fats, oils, or greases.
Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) can cause blockages in our sanitary sewer system. Help us limit this by:
- Never pouring grease or putting food waste down the drain or toilet.
- Pouring leftover cooking oil and grease into a can and putting it in the trash.
More information about blockage
Own a restaurant? You can do a lot to prevent FOG in our sanitary sewer! Schedule and keep record of your FOG inspections and cleaning for your establishment’s grease trap/interceptor. If you wish, use this table that the Village has prepared for you.