Dog Licenses

Dog licenses must be obtained or renewed by March 31st each calendar year (per State Statute). You will be charged an additional $5.00 for any license issued after March 31st. The late fee does not apply to puppies under five (5) months of age on March 31st.
First Time Licensing
- You must bring in a current rabies vaccination certificate from a veterinarian to be issued a license.
- To be eligible for the spayed/neutered rate, you must provide documentation of the procedure from your veterinarian.
Renewing Licensing
- If your dog was previously licensed in Bellevue, showing proof of rabies will only be necessary if the vaccinations have expired.
Obtaining License
By Mail or In Person
Stop in or mail all licensing fees & any required documentation to the Village Office for processing.
Village of Bellevue, Attn: Dog License
2828 Allouez Ave
Bellevue, WI 54311
M-TH: 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & F: 7 a.m. - Noon
Feral Cat Trap, Neuter & Return (TNR) Program

The Village of Bellevue has created a feral cat trap, neuter and return (TNR) program in conjunction with Cats Anonymous.
The TNR program is a humane way to control the feral cat population. In this program, cats are humanely trapped, spayed/neutered, given a rabies shot and returned to their original location under the care of a caretaker.
Spayed or neutered, feral cats have a cropped ear like the cat pictured at left. If you care for a feral/semi-feral, outdoor or barn cat and want to participate in the TNR program, don't hesitate to contact the Village Humane Officer, Matt Atkinson, at (920) 530-1044.
The veterinarians at Cats Anonymous are volunteer veterinarians. To assist in covering the cost of medicine and anesthetics, Cats Anonymous suggests but does not require, a $50 donation for cats participating in the TNR program.
Checklist for Dog Owners

- Does your dog have a license? It is not your rabies tag but a license you obtain from the Village.
- Walking your dog off your property, they must be on a leash and pick up all the waste.
- NO ANIMAL should be loose while off their owners' property.
- Please keep the dog waste in your yard to a minimum.
- Please ensure your dog does not greet all people or animals walking by the yard. Remember, some people are fearful, allergic, or do not care for a strange dog approaching them. Additionally, if they are walking a dog, the two may not get along.
- Keep your dog from creating a disturbance in the neighborhood.
- Every dog should wear a collar with a tag with the owner's contact information. Cats should wear a breakaway collar to prevent injury from snagging.
Baby Wildlife

Mother animals do not hang around their babies since it draws attention to them. Babies survive by staying hidden and not moving.
If an animal appears injured or in a dangerous location, call the Village Humane Officer, Matt Atkinson, at (920) 530-1044 or the Wild Life Sanctuary at (920) 391-3671 or (920) 391-3685.
It is against the law and dangerous to keep wild animals if you do not have permits, even if you plan on releasing them. Call the numbers above for more information about rescuing wildlife or deterring their presence.
Before setting any trap, read this and plan ahead. Trapping is only legal on your property unless you have a DNR trapping license and the property owner's permission in a designated hunting/trapping area. Even on your property, you must follow DNR regulations.
- You must check your trap daily and remove the animal if you decide to trap.
- Releasing animals on public property or private property without the permission of the property owner is illegal.
- Before trapping, please get in touch with animal control for assistance in dealing with wildlife.
Contact Information
Notice a stray or wild animal that is out of control and causing harm to individuals or property?
- Immediately contact the Village Humane Officer, Matt Atkinson, at (920) 530-1044!
- Contact the Brown County Sheriff's Department at (920) 391-7450 if the Humane Officer is unavailable.