The Village currently has approximately 242 acres of parkland and 86 acres of conservancy. 100 parkland acres are developed and classified as mini, neighborhood, linear, or community park spaces. The park system is maintained through summer seasonal staff members, who are employed from approximately May 15th to August 15th of each year. They primarily provide garbage/litter control, turf maintenance, and athletic facility maintenance. In addition, throughout the year 1 full-time equivalent Parks laborer is assigned to support park related maintenance.
Park Hours: 8am-10pm
Park Rules:
- No Animals
- No Motorized Vehicles
- No Golfing
- No Littering
- No Smoking, Chewing Tobacco or e-Cigarettes
HERE for a virtual map tour of the Village's parks.
The park system is currently divided among the following locations:
Bedford Heights Park |

2900 Creekwood Circle - Map it!
Park Features:
- Playground
- Walking path
- Benches
- Greenspace
- Gaga Pit
Bel-Meadow Park |

2701 Woodland Hills Court -Map It!
This 3.3 acre mini-park is located off of Woodland Hills Court
Park Features:
Bethel Park |

Adopted by: RAIZED (2018)
1479 Seville Drive - Map It!
This 7.1 acre neighborhood park is located off of Seville Drive.
Park Features:
- 5-12 yr old play structure
- Swings
- 1/2 Court basketball
- Off-street parking
Bower Creek Park |

Adopted by: Jack Schroeder & Associates
3223 Barkwood Circle - Map It!
This site is an .83 acre mini-park located in the Bower Creek North subdivision
Park Features:
DeBroux Park |

2900 Brighton Place - Map It!
This site is a 12.5 acre neighborhood park.
Park Features:
East River Parkway & Trail |

Adopted by: Bellevue Family Dentistry (2017-2019)
The Village offers over 2 miles of scenic multi-use trail along the East River. The trail runs from Manderly Way to Westminster Drive. Parking or trail access can be found off of Westminster Drive, the west portion of the Rite Place parking lot, and at the end of Manderly Way.
Click here for more information.
Bellevue Veterans Memorial Park |

2575 Erie Road - Map It!
This 21.8 acre community park site is located at the corner of Willow Rd and Erie Rd. The site is currently undeveloped.
Josten Park |

Adopted by: DeBauche Communications
2280 Town Hall Road - Map It!
This site is a 35.5 acre community park.
Park Features:
- (3) Reservable shelters
- 2-5 & 5-12 yr old play structure
- Swings
- Rockers
- Nature trail
- (2) Youth baseball/softball diamond
- (2) Youth soccer field
- Parking
- Restrooms
- Basketball Court
- Gaga Pit
- Tennis Court
- Pickleball Courts
- Sledding Hill
- Community Gardens
Moonrise Park |
2215 Moonrise Court - Map It!
This .8 acre mini park is located on the corner of Guns Street and Moonrise Court.
2022 Update: Community Garden plots are now available at Moonrise Park. Complete the registration portion of the Community Garden Brochure to reserve your plot!
Osprey Point - Izaak Walton League Conservancy |
County Highway GV - Monroe Road -Map It!
Osprey Point is an 80 acre conservancy area maintained & managed in partnership with the Brown County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League.
Conservancy Features:
- Two ponds used for fishing by children, seniors and people with disabilities.
- Walking and hiking trails
- A Heron rookery
- Wild turkeys
- An Osprey nesting area
- Sandhill cranes
- Deer
- Pheasants
- Other wildlife
Shaha Memorial Park |

3833 Eaton Road Map It!
This 58 acre park site is located to the north east of the Eaton Road and Grandview Road intersection. The property was purchased in 2008 for the purposes of a large community park / sports complex. This site is not currently developed.
Mossakowski Family Dog Park/VandenHeuvel Park |

Adopted by: Oak View Veterinary Hospital
2282 Bellevue Street
Map It!
Opened in June 2017, 6.5 acres of the site is dedicated as the Mossakowski Family Dog Park. This 22.5 acre park site is located just south of State HWY 172 along the banks of the East River.
Willow Creek Park |

1800 Guns Street - Map It!
This 10 acre neighborhood park is located off Guns Rd. near the corner of Verlin Rd.
Park Features: