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Before and After School Program

Our Before & After School Programs are designed to provide recreational and social opportunities to students during before and after school hours. The programs are provided with the support of McAuliffe Elementary School.

Program Goal

Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, educational and affordable recreation program to participants.

Who Can Enroll

This program is offered for children in grades K-5 who attend McAuliffe Elementary School. Bellevue residents will have priority in to the programs.There will be a maximum of 34 children enrolled per program.

2016 - 2017 School Year Program Fees

A $15.00 per child, per program, non-refundable registration fee, used for supplies and materials, will be charged via the Bank/credit Card Draft Agreement information you have provided to secure a spot in the program.

Fees are draftedfrom your Bank/Credit Card on the 1st of each month in equal monthly payments. The Base rates can be found in the table below:

Before School Program Fee $95.75/month per child
After School Program Fee $91.50/ month per child

All families must complete and submit the Bank Card/Credit Card Draft Agreement at the time of registration to be considered for either programs.

*Forms can be found in the Parent Handbook.


The Before School program begins at 7:00 am until the start of the school day (9:00 am). The After School program begins from the end of school day (3:30 pm) until 5:30 pm.

How do I register?

Once a child is enrolled in the before or after school program, that family has a 2-year hold on the program. (Withdrawing during a school year voids this agreement.) All families who are currently enrolled for the first time in both or either of the 2015-2016 programs will be given first choice to enroll for the 2016-2017 school year. All remaining openings will be filled using the lottery method (random drawing). Waiting lists will also be created for each program using the lottery method, as well. All families who are currently enrolled in the 2015-2016 school year and have served their 2 years in the program will need to reapply into the lottery for a space in either of the programs for 2016-2017 school year.

Complete and submit a registration form by the deadline date shown below:

If your child is currently registered for one or both of the programs:

  • Pick up a Before & After School Program Parent Handbook at the Village Offices.
  • Fill out the Registration Form, the Child Information Form, and the Bank Card/Credit Card Draft Agreement from the handbook.
  • Turn in the following items by Friday, April 29th to the Village Offices: Registration Form, Child Information Form, and Draft Agreement. Deadline will be strictly followed.
  • Returning participants will be charged a $15 per child per program registration fee that will be charged via the Bank/Credit Card Draft Agreement information you have provided.
  • Participants enrolled in only one of the programs may also follow the instructions on the next page for a chance to be enrolled in the other program.

If your child is NOT currently registered for one or both of the programs or has served their 2 years in either of the programs, and you would like to take part during the 2016 - 2017 school year:

  • Pick up a Before & After School Program Parent Handbook at the Bellevue Offices.
  • Fill out the Registration Form, the Child Information Form, the Bank Card/Credit Card Draft Agreement from the handbook.
  • Turn in the following information by Friday, May 6, 2016 to the Village Offices: Registration Form, Child Information Form, and the Bank Card/Credit Card Draft Agreement.
  • On Monday, May 16, 2015 names will be drawn randomly to fill all openings for the programs. Openings will be filled per family so that siblings will not be split up. Families chosen to fill the openings will be notified and will be charged a $15 per child per program registration fee via the Bank/Credit Card Draft Agreement information you have provided by Friday, May 20, 2016.
  • Waiting lists will be created for each program by drawing the remaining names. Families will be notified throughout the year as spaces become available.

Please note: All late registrants will be placed on a wait list and may be enrolled only when an opening occurs.

Additional Information & Forms

Contact the Leisure Services Department at (920) 468-5225 with for more information.

Upcoming Events

No events available.